First BBQ Preparation Help!


M Beutler

New member
Ok, so I am picking up my new 18.3" WSM tonight and I have an 8.2lb Boston Butt defrosting in the fridge. Looking for some help and guidance...

<LI>Typical length of time for a butt to defrost?
<LI>How much rub is needed? I'll be making the Chris Lilly rub.
<LI>When to inject & rub meat? I'll be using a Chris Lilly apple/white grape juice marinade.
<LI>What woods do you recommend for shoulder? If a mixture what is your ratio?

I honestly haven't been this excited for anything in a long time. I am really looking forward to starting my new hobby!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Welcome to the insanity! My answers to your questions are below, but be aware that there is a lot of subjectivity and room for variance here based on your personal experience and preference. If you are new to the world of BBQ, may I suggest that you take copious notes as you get started. You'll want to keep track of things like:

- Quantity of fuel
- Method of lighting fuel
- Quantity of wood
- What type of wood
- Cooker temp, vent settings, etc.
- Type of meat, size, etc.
- Type of rub (or recipe of home made), quantity

You get the idea. I take zero notes at this point, but early on in my Q'ing adventure, I took quite a few, and it really helped me to tweak my process to the point that it is quite repeatable, and somewhat predictable. Also, read a lot here (you probably already have), and on the home site where Chris has kindly documented a lot of really good stuff in terms of process, recipes, etc. One last suggestion is to read up on what the Minion Method of lighting your fuel is....I find it is a very good method to bring the temp up to your target in a controlled manner, and sets you up for a stable, long cook.

Ok, to your questions.....

Defrost time - I'd say somewhere between a day or two, depending on your fridge temp

Rub quantity - I probably use about 1-1.5 cups depending on how heavy my hand is that day.

Time to rub/inject - I've never injected, but I would say that I'd want at least a couple of hours of time for the injection to do it's thing. I usually rub the meat while the cooker is coming up to temp.

Wood - For pork, I almost always use at least a couple of chunks of hickory, and then mix in another species. For me, this is frequently cherry or pecan as I almost always have that handy. I use about four fist sized chunks of wood when I'm cooking a butt.

You will probably get a bunch of different answers, and they are all valid based on experiences. The best thing is that each method will turn out good que along the way while you figure out what works for you.

Good luck, and please report back on how it goes!!

Hi, M,

If your butt doesn't thaw in the time you want, wrap it in plastic and put it in some water, that will speed up the process. I'll do t hat with cyrovaced ribs and then put them back in thr fridge till cooking time.

I use a lot of rub, cup and half to 2 sounds right. I also use a mix of hickory and apple, and I tend to use more wood than many suggest since we like a strong smoke flavour. Also, I never have injected. I find the natural fat in a butt more than enough to distribute everything.

Relax and enjoy.

