It was pretty good! My wife liked it a lot, which is what I shoot for. If you haven't tried it, I would recommend it.
The only ingredients that I changed, was I used one seeded jalapeno vs. three w/ seeds. Not a huge on heat, although my wife is (otherwise I would have left all the way out). Next time I will add in another seeded.
I did rush the cook though. After 3 hours, the outsides were 150ish and the middle was 145ish and the fire wasn't cooperating- I think because of the amount of smaller recycled pieces I had in there. Next time I will use more new unlit. I cheated a bit and opened the vents and took off the lid for a couple minutes, then once I got some good heat back I moved the roast to direct for 5 min each side. This brought me up to the upper 160's and I brought it in and foiled it with the veg. After 2 hours I shredded, but it wasn't quite ready- it didn't pull as easily as 'spaghetti' like the original post said, but it was close enough. I let it go another 30 min or so, but the liquid didn't reduce all that much, at least nowhere near half. But we were hungry so we went for it. It was very good, I'll just need to allot another 2 hours or so when I do it again.
I'll definitely put it over direct to crisp up the outside, as my wife said that was her favorite part. It got a green light to go in the rotation, so I was happy with the cook.