finally found a Tri Tip! need help/advice with grilling time....


Gordon LW

TVWBB Member
First of all you folks out west don't know how good you got it
I've had a heck of a time finding Tri Tip in the south. There's no butcher in town either so my only options are the Grocery stores and Sams. Sams had some last year but they were the pre-marinated, added solution kind. Never seen them in grocery here either.

Until the other day I was about to grab some ribeyes and low and behold there was one Tri Tip in the case!

Gonna do a basic rub and do it on the gas grill. I found widely varying cooking times and methods searching on google. Searched here and found some nice pics
I try and do everything on the gas grill by times (ie 5 mins a side for inch thick steak, 5 min rest is perfect). I read a few sites/posts that said to sear it and then do indirect.

The Tri Tip is only 1.34 pounds. I'm thinking sear and then 8-10 mins a side on indirect and rest for 10 mins. We like it pretty bloody but not quite mooing
between rare and med rare.

This sound about right? Any tips and advice would be great! Indirect better than direct?

I know I can use a thermometer to know when to pull it but I like having an idea of how long and I'd rather not put a hole in the meat!
Bring it to 110-120 real slooooooow on the WSM or kettle indirect then sear to your desired finished temp. Start with the tri at room temp.
ended up doing it on the gas grill anyway. seared 2 mins a side and then indirect for 10 mins a side. rested for 10.


not bad if I say so myself
My method:

Put a good rub on it (check out my tri tip rub recipe in the other forum)

Smoke indirectly at about 275 with 2 chunks of hickory. Flip & rotate at about 45min, then put a probe into it and wait for the center to reach 145 degrees. Rest for 15 min and start slicing (Check out Chris's tutorial on slicing tri tip).

I don't bother searing it as I serve it like a roast.

There is no wrong way to eat it but in a hoagie with monterey cheese, grilled onions, mustard, and mayo is how I prefer it.

the picture above was after 10 mins resting. when I pulled it the tri was at just over 130. 145 seems high to me but I like it pretty rare.
Thats basically how I do mine too.

I've tried them on my WSM with a Sear at the end but they are always better on my gasser high heat
i <3 tri tip and i take a certain amount of pride in making it as it's the only piece of barbecue/grilling culture that is distinctly Californian. i do exactly what Glenn W said. i rub it that morning and put it back in the fridge then pull it out and let it get to room temp before i start cooking it. then slow cook it indirect until it hits about 110 or 115 internal and then sear it on both sides up to about 130 or 135. let it rest and slice against the grain real thin. then i try not to eat it all by myself before i get everyone else to sit down for dinner. it's such a delicious piece of meat and you can't beat the price point.

