Finally Found A Blue Top


Pat G

TVWBB Emerald Member
Picked this up for $20. It will need new grates, flavorizor bars, lower tray and drip tray if I want to make it work again. I really just bought it for the lid. The lid is in good shape and should clean up well. We'll see what happens with the rest of the parts.

For now I'm probably going to clean up the lid and paint the sides of the lid and put it on this grill.

Blue lids look great. Hard to find in some places though. I got mine off the grill you got yours from but had to drive about 3 hours round trip.

Or you can park the blue one next to the red one.
I still have to red heads to restore. Thinking of adding one of the red ones to my blue one.
What parts on the blue one do you need? The ones you listed don't add up to $200.
What parts on the blue one do you need? The ones you listed don't add up to $200.

Bottom tray - $49
Catch pan holder - $25
Catch pan kit - $13
Grates - $40
Flavorizor bars - $40
Paint - $10

With tax and shipping we are right around $200
OK, that is a bit more extensive list and prices look reasonable. I am looking forward to seeing your Blue Head when it is done. I swapped my redhead for a blue as well.

