Finally...Butt Success

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Bruce Bissonnette

Well, 15 hours and 23 minutes after putting my 7.2lb buut on the WSM I took it off and it nearly fell apart in my hands. Strange thing though, I got three different temps from three different areas of the roast before taking it off, they were 186,177,161. Waiting for that magical 190 to come and it never did, finally I just took it off because it looked and felt done. It was. It was the most delicious Q I have ever had. Thanks to all on this site who contributed to the success just by sharing your knowledge. (wife & daughter loved it too)
check the probes or temp device. Take boil water and the temp should be around 212 degrees. If the butt had a bone, I was told to shake the bone to see if it is done, if it moves freely it is done.

Dan L

Don't fret too much about the various temp readings. I get them, too. Pork butt is comprised of several different muscles all converging at the shoulder, and my guess is that each may read differently when probed.

Sometimes what you see with your eyes and feel with your hands--that fall apart tenderness--is the real test of when a butt is finished.

Dave et al,

Yes, I did turn end to end and over just like Chris taught me, half way through the cook and then half way again and again. Checked my Taylor today with the boiling water test...211 when water boiled (not bad). Like I said extremely pleased with the results just amazed at the different temps and how long my temp plateau lasted...about2 1/2 hours.
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