Final Temp for Pork Butt?


Mark D. Anderson

TVWBB Member
Hi all! Quick question...

Smoking an 8 pound pork butt today and was expecting a 12 hour smoke. My meat thermometer is telling me 166 right now after about 7 hours. What temp should I call it done and wrap it up?


Till probe tender is what you'll hear most which for me and others tends to be around 195-210 as kind of a ballpark guide.
You should be in the "stall" about now. temps might stay or drop for a few hrs till you push past the 170's. Once past that start probing for tender like Ben said in the 190's.
Have fun and enjoy!:wsm:

I did an 8 pounder a few weeks ago. At 14 hours, it was right about 180, but it was so darn tender, I pulled it off the cooker. It was awesome. :)
I've had butts get tender at 185*, and I've taken them to 205*+. So cook til tender, not temp. But if afraid of overcooking, start checking no sooner than about 185*, depending on how fast you're cooking. Cooking faster or foiling during the cook will result in a higher finished temp. Typically though, if you cook an 8 pounder as close to 250* as you can, you can expect tenderness somewhere around the 12 hr mark with a finished temp somewhere between 190 and 200*. The same butt will take me a couple hours or so more if cooking overnight with temps in the 225-250 "gettin' some sleep zone", but I can get it done a couple of hours sooner by staying up to keep the temp up and foiling after getting bark. THAT butt won't be tender until the temp is OVER 200*.

