Fill the Grill! (first chuck roll w/pics)

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That is a great idea w/the rack and foil! If you were somehow thinking Philly is going to go 16-0, you are breathing too much smoke from the WSM!!
They will make it to the NFC Championship game again, but they will get beaten my Minnesota!!

Meat 155 / WSM 239.

Which do you think is more likely? The Eagles going 16 - 0 or the Redskins beating them?
I really believe the Skins will beat them at least once, if not twice. Philly has not played a defense like ours yet. By the time we play Philly, Patrick will be in because Brunell will have been run out of town!!
Just foiled, added water, and stirred the coals.

Meat was at 161 now it's dropped to 160.

WSM was at 229 now it's at 243.

Foiling over the roasting rack was simple.
Great pics Rob.

Hope you're planning on feeding them Egirls. You should have plenty.

Rath *Go BIG BLUE!*
Oh no..... MY fire went out.

4 AM meat was 183 and WSM 226. Now meat's 176 and WSM at 146.

Just started a chimneyfull of coals.....
If you still have coals in the bottom that are grey you most likely still have some fire. Add some lit and unlit coals to get your temp back up but not too hot.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ROB O:
Oh no..... MY fire went out.

4 AM meat was 183 and WSM 226. Now meat's 176 and WSM at 146.

Just started a chimneyfull of coals..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did you start with a full ring using Minion Method of briquettes ? This post was about 15 hours after the original ... your coals may have needed a good stir anytime after 10 hours, the fire is being choked by ash ... try tapping a WSM leg or stir the coals ... if you stir some ash will become airbourne, if that bothers you dissassemble WSM, stir, reassemble.
Yeah thanks guys. Full ring and I'd actually already stirred twice. No mistake about it. I was out. I know I should have refueled at 4AM but I was groggy and made a poor decision. (actually just stirred the few coals that were still there and opened the vents.)

Anyway I've been holding the meat in a cooler. I'll be opening her up in about 30 minutes. I'll take pics and let you know how it turned out.

I've got a hunch the roasting rack worked great.
Thanks to everyone for the help!

We all really liked it a lot. Wife and brother in law said it was the best thing I'd BBQ'd so far. (Except maybe for the ribs.)

Here are the pics:

It was kind of hard to show in the photo but there was a lot of rendered fat below the roasting rack.

The rack did a good job removing it from the fat that melted. Still this is not a lean cut of meat....

Anyway it was moist, tender, and tasty. Seemed as if it might have been a little light on bark. Maybe that's because I didn't let the rub sit for more than an hour before I started the cook? (I ran out of time.)

Still it was great. I'll be doing my next one November 19 for my daugther's birthday party on the 20th.
Hi Nick gonna I'm gonna have to try the meatloaf.

I'd have to say we all liked the CR a lot. I'll be thinking this afternoon about what sauce to store/freeze it in.

Two things suprised me a little thougth.

1. There was a huge amount of shrinkage. I estimate by the time the cook was over I must have had 50% loss.

Not sure why now that I think about it but I didn't expect quite that much loss.

2. Even using the roasting rack there's a lot of fat at the bottom of this meat.

Still we all loved it. Getting ready to do a big one on the 19th.
Thanks Larry,

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Larry Wolfe:
All I can say is WOW!!!! That looks fantastic!!! Great job! Looks better than my first one did, that is for sure!!

That's because you didn't have you (and everyone else) to help you!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>That's because you didn't have you (and everyone else) to help you! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is the beauty of TVWBB! Everyone here is always willing to help or tell their secrets!! You mind Fed Ex'ing a sammich or two to Va of that beautiful CR????
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ROB O:
Yeah thanks guys. Full ring and I'd actually already stirred twice. No mistake about it. I was out.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ok, wasn't sure ... I think you might have been at more like 17 hours too so, yeah ... outta fuel

Glad to hear you liked it, the pics look great!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> ... I know I should have refueled at 4AM but I was groggy and made a poor decision .. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
. I can relate, it's happened to me ... too tired ... shut alarm off, roll over, go back to sleep then smack myself in the morning for being so lazy!
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