Fill the Grill! (first chuck roll w/pics)

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oh man ... if I hop in my vehicle now I could get there in time for dinner if you give it a good rest when done!

looks good Rob ... you may wish to consider putting a little foil around those ends or tie the CR up tightly horizontally to suck the ends in from the edges a bit, if left like that they will 'jerkyfy'
Nice plug on the 1st pic
. I guess you got the lid on

Looks good Rob. Keep us updated
ROB, That's a long one.
Great pics. Are you going to use the Roast Rack for Chuckie? Keep us posted.

Just checking. When you say "foil the ends" do you mean foiling over the pieces of meat that are close to the lid?

Or did you mean something else?
Yes Bryan.

I'm going to use the roasting rack.

Should I have told my butcher to cut the chuck roll differently?

Since it's my first one I didn't have any basis for comparison.

I'm about 2 hours in now. meat's at 83 grate is up to 248. I shut all 3 vents down to 0% open.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ROB O:

Just checking. When you say "foil the ends" do you mean foiling over the pieces of meat that are close to the lid?

Or did you mean something else? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yes, just enough to shield it from the heat coming up the sides of the cooker ... rip off a square, put it underneath the CR up to maybe 3" from the wall then wrap the rest of the piece around just enough to shield the meat without completely covering

Here is a pic of tying.
Thanks Shawn, I get it now.

Probably a little too late to tie it now but I think that's the way I'll go next time.

3 hours into the cook. WSM's settled in nicely at 242 (been steady for the last hour) and the meat's at 116.
The meat looks great, what was that green piece of trash next to it? You should really clean your counter off!! You don't want that trash to spoil that nice looking piece of meat!
Now Larry,

Poor, anguished, frustrated, Larry.

Haven't I been nice and respectful of your team? Despite all their obvious flaws?
Rob...looks great. I'll be over tomorrow around 4:00, it should be eatin time then!
Keep the pics coming!
Yes Rob you have and I apologize for getting off of the topic of the Chuck Roll. I will create another post in another forum if we are going to discuss football. Sorry Buddy.
Well Rob, you guys look awfully good this year!! I can definitely see 5-0, especially since Cleveland is your opponent Sunday. You guys don't run into any trouble until week 11
It's up to 142. And that would be all the way up to 16-0 at which point we foil.... oh nevemind.

But seriously te CR really is up to 142. Smoker temperature's dropped down to 223 trying to coax it back up slowly.
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