I've been trying to get the Super Ramp down script to function but I can't seem to figure it out...
I pasted the script into the High alarm for the food probe I am using and selected "execute on alarm"
I just copied and pasted the script from the example:
if [ "$al_thresh" -gt 199 ] ; then
# done
lmclient LMST,sp,100
lmclient LMST,sp,$NEWSP
al_set $NEWAL
The bottom part seems pretty easy to understand, bump the setpoint down 2 and bump the alarm threshold up 2...
The top part seems to shut the grill down (change setpoint to 100F) when the alarm threshold reaches 200F?
But I can't seem to get it to function? I set the alarm, it rings, but nothing happens to my setpoint or the alarm threshold?
What am I missing?
Found what I was missing... there is a typo in the script on the wiki which I guess hasn't been corrected yet...
You can see the missing bracket shown in RED above. The script is working now, ramping down as expected....