Feast your eyes on my new Chaney Broiler-Maker (with custom features)


Sean White

New member
Well guys, I finally picked up my new Chaney custom grill after selling off my Weber Summit S-670. I've been communicating with Lawton Chaney for the past month and a half or so on building the grill that I just took delivery of. It is based on his broiler-maker design, but as you will see, it has some new and improved features that really sets this grill apart from anything else he has designed before.

The new features are as follows:

1) Off-set smoker box on the bottom barrel (has four air-draft controls, two on front and town on the back
2) Damper controls on the airways connecting the bottom barrel to the top barrel
3) Chimney stacks on both the top and bottom barrels
4) Thermometers on both the top and bottom barrels.
5) Iron bars running front to back on the bottom barrel cooking surface. Looks like these will be GREAT for searing and getting some nice grill marks.
6) Secondary rack on BOTH the top and bottom barrels

I also had Chaney build me a charcoal basket so I have the ability to easily do direct/indirect cooking in the bottom barrel.

I literally just pulled into my driveway after spending a couple of hours in rush hour traffic getting it back home, so the pictures that Lawton gave me will have to suffice for the moment. I'll be posting some pictures up this weekend along with a you-tube video when I have a chance to take it.

I also wanted to say that Lawton is genuinely one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I wholeheartedly recommend that you buy one of his grills if you have the opportunity. The quality and workmanship that goes into his grills are simply second to none.

His grills can be found at the following site:


Anyways, I'm exhausted, so here are the teaser pictures. Stay tuned for more to come.




It's designed to be used with Charcoal.

The reason that I bought this grill is that I was growing tired of running out of space with just my 2 Weber kettles. Whenever I would have a party at my place, it became very challenging to be able to keep up. Additionally, I simply no longer had any desire to cook on propane anymore, so I sold the Summit S-670 in order to buy this grill.

What's unique about this grill is that due to the design, you have incredible versatility. You can cook direct/indirect on the bottom chamber, while simultaneously smoking on the top chamber. Or if you want one big massive smoker, you can use the offset smoke box and use both chambers to smoke in. With the adjustability of the dampers on both the offset smoke box, the two chimneys, and the damper controls in the intermediary pipes, you can easily regulate the temperature in both chambers.
Finally had a chance to break her in last night. I didn't have time to marinade my meat, so I just tossed some garlic salt and pepper on a couple of ribeyes, and made a chicken breast that I glazed with Jack Daniels Original # 7. I also grilled up some asparagus.

Putting a chimney full of coal into the charcoal basket. This basket is so massive, that a single chimney full of coal doesn't even make a dent. The basket is 15" x 15" x 6". I tossed in a few chunks of mesquite wood for good measure.


Got the grill up to searing temperature (500 degrees) and proceeded to sear my rib eye steaks. Look at those sear marks!!


Starting the asparagus using a cast iron skillet and some butter:


And finally, here is a size comparison next to my trusty Weber Performer:


During the cook, I decided that I would play around with the damper controls and see if I could get the top chamber to stabilize at 250 degrees. I am happy to report that I was able to do so with very little effort. The amount of controls on this grill really allows you to dial it in exactly where you want it. On Monday, I will be cooking direct/indirect on the bottom grill, and will smoke some ribs in the top chamber. Will post more pics Monday night.

