Favorite WSM item to smoke



Besides the standard ribs/chicken/brisket and pork shoulder.
I am kind of looking for something which turns out awesome that I have not done yet, and should. I am just looking for something different...easily found, and will stand out.
Everyone seems tolove the butts and briskets. The get the biggest look of surprise when people see and try the pastrami I make, simpley following this recipe. The reaction is usually"I didn't think you could make pastrami."
I rubbed and threw a couple of turkey legs on with a butt a few weeks backs. Tasted like they were from the county fair. I do need to try the bologna in the near future.
Never would have thought of bologna, do you put it on there sliced from the deli, or do you get a big chunk?
Dennis - you're in WA so if you haven't done salmon you should give it a try. You can do it higher heat/quicker to get more of an entree type dish, or do it brined/low/slow to go for the drier style (the type people spend a fortune on in the 'Made in Washington' store :)). I do salmon pretty regularly and it's always a hit.

You have to throw on a fattie.

A roll of Jimmy Dean maple breakfast sausage rolled in a good rub and smoked at 250 for a few hours until it reads 160 in the middle.

VERY easy. VERY good eats. Much better than it sounds.
I love to do meatloaf. Check the article in the cooking section. I use my own recipe for the meatloaf but I use the sauce that's on there. It's delicious. Have had lot's of compliments on it.
One of my favorite things to do is smoke roast a big piece of sirloin. What you want is called either shell or New York cut. If your supermarket cuts its own meat from the primal, it can be cheaper than a butcher shop. I usually buy a piece from the center anywhere from 3 to 6 inches thick. I have the butcher trim the fat down to about a half inch, mebbe a bit thicker if the roast is big.

The way to cook it isn't hard, and it doesn't take all that long either. Heat up your cooker to between 275/300 for a start. I don't think the Minion method would work so well for this, as the cook time is fairly short. Season the meat with a good steak rub. If you want, you can tenderize the roast and get some of the seasonings inside by liberal use of a fork.

You should have a full bowl of water, and it's a good idea to have more handy so the pan doesn't go dry on you. Once the roast goes on the cooker, immediately toss on a charge of soaked wood chips. Once the smoke dies off, open the cooker and flip the meat. It should be looking very happy. Check the water pan, close her up and add another charge of chips. I also like to spray it down every so often with some bourbon. Take it off the fire at 145, and let it rest for 20 minutes before slicing. I like to serve this with a rich beef & mushroom gravy.
I'd have to say fatties. I started my last long smoke at 4AM and I threw a couple Jimmy Dean maple sausages with a simple brown sugar rub on it. Best breakfast I've ever had a 7 in the morning.
I need to try some salmon, the local store just got some amazing looking fish in.
This is a stupid question, but my friend asked me if it was possible to smoke hamburgers. I honestly didn't know the answer. I told her I just grill mine.
Well Dennis know you've went and done it. I just got back from the grocery store. Going to do hotdogs, fatties, and bologna tomorrow.

Brats and kilbasa make good appetizers while the ribs / brisket / butts are cooking. They only take about 1 hour, just slice them up and watch them disappear.

Dennis S. - I may have to try the Jimmy Dean sausage soon.
I am doing the whole turkey leg smoke today for the first time, seems to be going very well. They are pretty cheap too

