Fattie...Latin Style



Closed Account
So you wake up on a Saturday and you are hankerin for some Mexican food.....but that means you aren't gonna be at the Weber that day.......so you combine your love of Mexican food with your love of outdoor cooking!!
Gonna do a fattie with a latin twist on the Kettle!!
The obligatory double wide thick slice bacon weave

Seasoned up the ground beef with Miners Mix Chorizo mix

Layed it on the obligatory double wide thick sliced bacon weave


Added white onion,cilantro,Ranchera cheese and salsa verde

Weighing in at over 6 lbs and 17 inches long I give you:

Off to the fridge until this afternoon........
Ok, Scott, I had to double up on my Lipitor just to open this post. I'll be patiently waiting for the final pics!
I have a cup of liquid plumber to wash this meal down with today

(If there are any young'ns lurking I am just kidding about drinking the Liquid Plumber!!)
Oh well, you win some and you lose some. I usually will make -2- fatties but since I was using the kettle I opted for a bigger one so I overlapped two strips of bacon for the extra length and width. The weave fell open and the ground beef and cheese rolled out into the char-baskets.

McDonalds anyone??
Sorry to hear that, Scott! Guess since I doubled up on my Lipitor, I might as well eat something not so healthy!
Someone on here said there is no such thing as bad cook, as long as you learn something from it.

I'm thinking your Bacon Bomb had premature detonation!
Originally posted by Gary S:

I'm thinking your Bacon Bomb had premature detonation!

It's OK, a lot of guys, er, cooks have that problem.

Sorry it didn't turn out. Love the idea though.
You called it Gary. The weave over lapped off to the sides....both sides had the char-baskets going....the bacon caught fire and of course the grease from the meat and cheese was just waiting for it!! Luckily the kettle is OK.

My wife wonders why I have a pail of kitty litter foiled in the corner of the patio.....
You Scott you might have gotten away with a Fattie that big with coals off to one side. I generally do a couple and they can go 3-4 lbs but I've always heaped my coals off to the side let the bacon shrink up a bit and then roll them. They do tighten up pretty good once that weaves starts to shrink.

Loved your ingredients
I don't remember who it was out here who suggested to pre-cook the bacon weave, but it works really well. Cook it just enough so that it's strong but pliable and it will hold together nicely. That's been my go to method for the last couple of years... not that I eat these all the time mind you

