Fantastic Smoked accident


Tim Mulvihill

So I recently smoked some meatloaf. The wife likes it better than my ribs. Not sure whether to be offended or take extra pride in my meatloaf?????

Anyway, I packed the middle of the meatloaf with some sharp cheddar cheese. Meatloaf turned out great, but some of the cheese oozed out of the meatloaf onto the upside down cupcake pan it was sitting on. I ate that cheese and it was absolutely delicious, melted and smokey. Any ideas about how to re-create this accident without destroying the WSM? I know you can smoke cheese when it's cold and the smoker is under 90 degrees, but I'd love to yank some out of the smoker ready to eat as an appetizer or something.
Research cold smoking. There's several pretty good vids on YouTube on how to do it on the cheap. If you ever get serious about it then go buy one of the premade generators.

If you're going to be doing cheeses, then it's best when the cheese is done to put it in a zip-loc bag in the fridge for a few days to let the smoke flavoring even out and mellow a bit. It can be a bit overpowering right out of the smoker.

I've been doing salt/pepper/cheeses/garlic/onions with peach/apple/cherry woods. I don't think I would try hickory or mesquite, too much. In my opnion.

Just wondering if you could put some grated cheddar in a shallow pan and stick it in the cooker along with whatever else you're barbecuing? Let it melt and get smokey and then eat it on crackers or crustini? You should do some experiments and share the results with us.

Cold smoking cheese is quite easy and the results are awesome.

Hot smoking, on the other hand, isn't too common. You'd be a pioneer. Take lots of pics!

