Family Reunion Briskets Complete (All 30 lbs of them)


Nick Cosby

Well I finally have smoked 2 briskets at once on the WSM wow that was exhausting, only issues I had were as I was poking through the fat caps with meat fork I went completely through the flat on both of them ended up drying out some of it and turned the bottom of the brisket into jerky which is seen in the final photo in the bowl, which was delicious. The meat was also really good. The other issue I had was I couldn't keep the smoker temp stable in between 200 and 225 my goal, then realized I was at a higher altitude then I am at here in Humble of 91 ft and where I was at was 1300 ft, that may have been culprit.
When I went to pick out the meat I was at walmart and was considering getting their to see what the fuss was about them having better meat then other stores I almost called health department their meat looked unsatisfactory to me as you'll see in first pick of their meat which all looked like this with the black spots in the fat cap. Each of the ones I put on weighed in at 15 lbs.

Walmart Nasty Meat

30 lbs of Meat Ready to Go

First Peek at 2 hrs in

Just Before first Baste at 9 hr Mark

Had to shift meat cause lid was catching on it and ripped piece off and sampled.

In morning after unwrapping meat while I attempted to sleep.

16hrs in

Pain in the butt to baste. Plus wanted to see if I could fit them both on top shelf with room for smoke to move.

For what it's worth the drippings from the top brisket can act as a baste for the bottom.

Although, given you were able to fit both on one rack that's probably what I would have done too.

Out of curiosity how long did they take? Always wondering whether cook times with two briskets is just double the time for one.
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I was told by my dad whom only has used side box smokers that normal 18 hrs is fine, but since I was having temp issues I did it in 22 I think. during transport my lip of top of cooking section was bent I bit and lid would sit cock eyed and let out smoke and mess with temp. I didn't realize it till I was 16 hrs in. But also the altitude messed with them to.

