Fall Apart Pork Steak Experiment - Link fixed


Lew Newby

R.I.P. 1/26/2024
I was planning on ten for dinner and ended up with only the 4 of us. I froze most of the Pork Steaks but kept two out for us. I wanted to try Chris Lilly's Pork Butt rub and I was using my first attempt at making my own BBQ sauce. The rub and the sauce went extremely well with the pork but I made 2 mistakes in the grilling and wasn't delighted with the product. I charred the bottom when I started by searing the meat. I know, that's a no no but I just spaced it. Then I used a pan for the indirect portion of the cook instead of a HD foil pouch. The pan allows two much of the juice to evaporate. In a foil pouch two pork steaks are swimming in the juices when they're ready. The steaks came out moist, fall apart, and very tasty. Everyone ate all of their portion and none was left after the meal.

Here's the pictures appropriately annotated. (I think the link will work now)

Next time I expect to nail it.
"Sorry, that page was not found."
Jim, I went on a different computer and checked the link. What are you getting? Oh yeah, "page not found". Is anyone else having the same problem?
When trying to post pictures from your "picture website", it is important to use the url provided near or next to the picture and not the url that is in the navigation bar. Users will get the login prompt when when copying and pasting the url from the navigation bar.

I still had to login to my gmail account to see the pictures. Looks good by the way.

Looking further at Picasa, there is a link called "Edit visibility". In order to let anyone view it (without a google account). The album has to be public. Once it's made public and you click on the picture/album it will look something like this - https://picasaweb.google.com/1...606027747/July162012

Link when picture will only display when you have the proper link - https://picasaweb.google.com/1...Gv1sRgCP6GiZyf5bTbXQ

Link when picture will display with extended circles - https://picasaweb.google.com/1...#5765993204437189842

Note how the ending of the url changes depending on the visibility status.

Hope this helps.

My wife and two kids are now publicly available.
Russell, thanks loads. I made the pictures public and a lot of people could see them. I really appreciate your effort on this.

Nice looking family.

