Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I tried making the potatoes Bob posted on Thursday... butt i did not know all the facts about it until it was too late.
so my taters were spud duds.
anyway,... while they were cookin',
I got the 26" kettle goin' with baby peppers
and chuck eyes (seems this is the only red meat available in this abode.)
Steaks and peppers were GREAT!
potatoes were NOT
moving on...
a two point 4 pound pork loin marinated in Fieri's Carolina #6 Mop & Slop
then lighty seasoned with Blues Hog rub
had some Yukons sliced and in a cast iron skillet with butter seasoned with Penzey's Adobo... butt i started them wayyy too soon.
The loin on the grate (which seemed forever)
biding time, i caught a coupla Baltimore Birds suckin' on the oranges clamped in an old fish grill grate.
back to the pork. once it hit 135ºF inside, i yanked it then sliced it to sear it.
butt i left it on too long. the loin cuts were still tasty butt, ... well, you know what i mean.
they "coulda been a contender!"
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oh well.
Listen, you guys all have a GREAT weekend & get yourselves ready for NEXT weekend!
SD8 is clawin' it's way to your cookers and I, for one, can not WAIT!!
So STICK your pin where you'll be smokin' and burn some MEAT with the rest of us
C'mon Wisconsinites! There's more than 6 of us here....
Thanks for visiting!
so my taters were spud duds.
anyway,... while they were cookin',
I got the 26" kettle goin' with baby peppers
and chuck eyes (seems this is the only red meat available in this abode.)
Steaks and peppers were GREAT!
potatoes were NOT
moving on...
a two point 4 pound pork loin marinated in Fieri's Carolina #6 Mop & Slop
then lighty seasoned with Blues Hog rub
had some Yukons sliced and in a cast iron skillet with butter seasoned with Penzey's Adobo... butt i started them wayyy too soon.
The loin on the grate (which seemed forever)
biding time, i caught a coupla Baltimore Birds suckin' on the oranges clamped in an old fish grill grate.
back to the pork. once it hit 135ºF inside, i yanked it then sliced it to sear it.
butt i left it on too long. the loin cuts were still tasty butt, ... well, you know what i mean.
they "coulda been a contender!"
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oh well.
Listen, you guys all have a GREAT weekend & get yourselves ready for NEXT weekend!
SD8 is clawin' it's way to your cookers and I, for one, can not WAIT!!
So STICK your pin where you'll be smokin' and burn some MEAT with the rest of us
C'mon Wisconsinites! There's more than 6 of us here....
Thanks for visiting!