Has anyone experienced this with their thermometer grommet?
I bought a used 18” WSM and it came with no thermometer grommet and some tin foil and mesh taped over the thermometer hole. I took that off and installed the grommet from my 14” WSM. That did fine for the first couple cooks but today, a couple hours after I took my ribs off, I noticed the grommet was gone, sitting in a pile of dust below the smoker...what happened??
I bought a used 18” WSM and it came with no thermometer grommet and some tin foil and mesh taped over the thermometer hole. I took that off and installed the grommet from my 14” WSM. That did fine for the first couple cooks but today, a couple hours after I took my ribs off, I noticed the grommet was gone, sitting in a pile of dust below the smoker...what happened??