Electric Smoker Help Please


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
A friend of mine, a Weber Gas grill user and has a green egg, is interested in an easy to use, set and forget electric smoker for RIBS, that has good easy to clean grease management. He most probably is not a butt or brisket guy. It has been a long time since I used Lil Chef....
What is a good quality electric that doesn't break the bank. He doesn't need to spend $1500 for smoking ribs a few times a year. Thank in advance for your help and comments!
A friend of mine, a Weber Gas grill user and has a green egg, is interested in an easy to use, set and forget electric smoker for RIBS, that has good easy to clean grease management. He most probably is not a butt or brisket guy. It has been a long time since I used Lil Chef....
What is a good quality electric that doesn't break the bank. He doesn't need to spend $1500 for smoking ribs a few times a year. Thank in advance for your help and comments!
You do realize your in a Weber Grill forum.
Check this thread from for this forum from Christmas time. Hope it helps!

I never see anyone mention the Original Bradley Smoker. I currently use almost all Weber, but I still have the Bradley
I bought about 10 years ago. It's mainly for cold smoking now, but in the beginning I smoked EVERYTHING in it and
was very pleased with the results. It's a cabinet and easy to clean IMO. There is a water bowl for the grease. Since you specified
ribs, I will say that I usually had to either cut the racks in half or "bow" them over a can until they shrank a bit. I think the
main drawback is the proprietary wood pucks that have to be used. I never had trouble finding them online at Amazon, WM
and Home Depot, and still have a good supply.
The smoker runs about $400 tho sometimes you can find a better price.

Your friend sounds more experienced than I was at the time, so he may scoff at this suggestion but I loved my OBS. :)
I recommend a bit of research. Cookshack, Smmokin-Tex, and Smokin-it are probably the best home equipment you can get. Read the reviews. I bought a Smokin-it model 3 close to 10 years ago and it has never skipped a beat. I highly recommend it.

