El comal in action...


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Tonights dinner was carne asada, pork loin, carnitas. All left overs that need to be used because I hate wasting good food. Since Im no chef and Im a very simple person tacos came to mind. It gave me an excuse to use my comal so here it is...


First I added a little oil and cooked some chorizo...Then added the pork loin and mixed together. chopped the meat I had and the carnitas and added it all to the mix. During the cook I like to move the food around so where the carne asada was I put the carnitas this way everyone get a taste of each other.


Warmed up the tortillas and dipped the sides on the oil and chorizo grease.



Plated and ready to eat. I hope this qualifies as a cook..It was done in a weber ;)
That looks so cool. Can I come over for dinner? I've never heard of a comal? Those greased tortillas look super tasty too.
Holy crap Tony...I swear your channeling me! I was just tellin my wife I was looking for a pan like that...tacos look super and man I could eat a boat load of that right about now!!!

Nice work! Where did you get that? Swap meet?
Holy crap Tony...I swear your channeling me! I was just tellin my wife I was looking for a pan like that...tacos look super and man I could eat a boat load of that right about now!!!

Nice work! Where did you get that? Swap meet?

Yeah I got it at the fontana swapmeet. It think it was 30 dollars.
Very nice looking tacos!!! I have a comal too but the center of mine goes the opposite way, it looks like a bowl and I never use the thing.
Tony that is one excellent looking cook. I am not familiar with the comal. It looks like the middle is where the heat is and the edges keep things warm? Send me some of those tacos!
What is this mystical item? looks like it does a pretty spot on job too! Love that plated pic too so.. no negatives on this post hehe..

