Early 22.5" water pan question


J Hoke

Is the lid from a Smokey Joe the same size as the shallow water pan that came in the original 22.5"? I have a CB conversion that I really don't like the pan but don't want to pay $75 for one from Weber.
I went ahead and ordered a new one. Just easier that trying to retro fit something.
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The shallow water pan was the SJ lid for a 18.5" WSM. They changed that for the newer ones and used a SJ bowl.
The 22.5" WSM has had only one bowl, and that's the lid from a SJP or Jumbo Joe.

Yea I agree Dave, I wrote bowl but meant pan, unless they changed it like the 18.5" I'm confused on the OP and the CB conversion?
Is that conversion something new?

I think the new pan is deeper, could be wrong. The CB conversion kit comes with what looks like one of my wifes ss bowls, way too deep. Can't get hand inside to add wood chunks.
Yea I agree Dave, I wrote bowl but meant pan, unless they changed it like the 18.5" I'm confused on the OP and the CB conversion?
Is that conversion something new?


The Cajun Bandit conversion isn't really that new. You've probably seen it for converting a 22.5" Weber kettle to something really close to a wsm. I think the kit is supposed to work better on the old daisy wheel kettles, but anyhow, I really like their doors. Got 'em on both of my wsm's.
I think the new pan is deeper, could be wrong. The CB conversion kit comes with what looks like one of my wifes ss bowls, way too deep. Can't get hand inside to add wood chunks.

I'd be really surprised if they changed the pan on the newer 22's. Only on the longest of cooks has my water pan ever needed to be refilled, and it makes me wonder why CB used such a deep bowl in their conversion. Weber was smart in providing a large access to the charcoal ring, so that folks wouldn't fill the need to do the hot squat, like we've all done on the 18" wsm.
I'm sure the pan in the CB kit is pretty inexpensive by looking at it. It is just a kitchen bowl that fits. This is what Harry Soo said about the pans:

"If you are using a full overflowing load of briquettes for a 12+ hour cook, the standard deep WSM water pan won’t work because it sits too low and will bump up against the top of your briquettes. No worries. Just remove the deep water pan and use the silver aluminum heat shield instead. You need to unsnap the heat shield and wrap it in double layer of aluminum foil and use that ultra-light pan in place of the deep water pan. If you have access to a WSM circa 2008 and earlier, those older WSMs come with a shallow water pan that does not bump into the briquettes."

Plus they have different part numbers. Don't think he was talking about 18.5" but he could have been.
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