Dry Brisket


Steve Zeitz

TVWBB Member
I did a full packer brisket this weekend, along with a nice 8 1/2 pound pork shoulder. The brisket came out tasty, with a nice smoke ring, but very dry. It was on 12 hours and I took it off at 188. I think my problem was that I only foiled it for 20 minutes as I was eager to feed my guests, who were starving. Everyone loved the pork shoulder and no one complained about the brisket, but me. I'll keep trying!
I think your right with a little longer in the foil for more juice. You can always add a cup of beef stock when you foil it to moisten it up.
Wonder what you did that could have made it come out dry?? I marinate mine, just did it for the 2nd time this weekend on Saturday and mine came out super moist. I did put liquid below it to catch drippings and I even had the fat side down this time for 4 hours then flipped over until it was done. Mine took about 12 hours then I wrapped in foil and kept it in the smoker (it was freezing out at maybe 10 or 15 degrees) for about 6 hours, fell asleep and didn't get to it till 7am!! Took it out and it was still warm. Darn thing was dripping juice everywhere. Took it inside and unwrapped and drained about 2 1/2 cups of meat juice. Evey when I was cutting it juices were still coming out.
Thanks for the thoughts. I am pretty sure I didn't have it foiled long enough and we have plenty left over. I try heating it up slowly with some beef broth. Adrian, I'm jealous with yours having so much juice! I am pretty sure I did everything else true to form and the temp readings were right on throughout the day; I had the typical plateau period and then the last two hours it started moving again. I pulled at 188 degrees and again, the pork was succulent.

From what you provided, I would guess that maybe it was overcooked. 188 is a bit high for beef which would cause it to dry out. You'll want to get 190 with pork butt, but with beef for me it is 145-170 max depending on the type of cut.

Thanks for the advice.

By the way, I had some last night for dinner and the flavor profile is great and the smoke ring is actually the best I have done. The one good thing about this disappointment is that I have to keep trying! I am already, ready to try again!

Thanks. Steve
Hey Steve if I were you I would let the brisket rest, foiled in a cooler for at least 2 hours after hitting desired temp and you will probably have better success.
My target is 185 - 190 then wrap, rest 2-4 hours and that = moist, tender brisket. It takes practice, so full around with it because once you have really good brisket, there isnt anything like it. Believe me, I have had my share of tough briskets in the past but not anymore. Look around here and check out what others say about brisket. Lots of good advice here.
Thanks Dale, I will definetly try that.

By the way, I noticed you are in Ky and that you have a Barbecue place; I am in Louisville. Where are you located in Kentucky?

Thanks. Steve

I do it similar to Dale, I foil at 180 and add apple juice, wortch sauce, then put back on the smoker until internal temp hits 200. Then I place in a cooler wrapped in towels for 2-3 hours. I get consistently moist and tender briskets with this method.

