Drilling through the porcelain - Does it crack & chip?


Greg Y

Hey guys,
I just got a Jumbo Joe, and would like it to have a thermometer. I've gotten used to having the thermometer on my Performer and don't see why I can't just drill a hole and add one to the Jumbo.
I am concerned about what will happen to the porcelain finish when I drill the hole. Does it chip and crack badly? Should I tape the inside and outside of the area before I start? Any other advise?

I've done that three times and it’s quite simple. The best way I found was to put three layers of blue tape on the outside. If you have a step bit use that, I did not so I started with a small bit and worked my way up using 5 different bits. I had to drill a 1/2" hole for my temp gauges and had no problems at all nice clean hole, just take your time. Also wear eye protection as the porcelain fly’s everywhere.
Greg; I picked up a used 22.5 OTS that someone had put out to the curb. I just put a thermometer on the lid and drilling through the porcelain was no problem - no chipping or cracking. I did start with a smaller bit and worked up to one that just right for the thermometer stem. FWIW; I did not use any tape.

