Dried Worchestershire (sp?)....

Originally posted by Clark Deutscher:
and their selection of teas.

Clark or ?, I just got some of their loose tea. Need some help/info on X amt of tea per X amt of water? TIA, B
Bryan, this can vary greatly; depending on the type of tea and how strong it is. We have several varieties of black teas, some from Africa, others are from India. The African black tea is much stronger than the Indian black tea. What kind of tea did you purchase and do you know what region it is from?

Hey Brian, if using green or white teas I tend to go with about a tablespoon and a bit for two cups (I use a two cup tea kettle type thing, not really sure how to describe it), I let it steep for about 5 mintues. For black teas I use just under a tablespoon and let it steep for 2 or 3 minutes. Just a rough guide but should be a starting point anyways.....

Ok thanks for a place to start.

Here's the 3 Teas I picked up from World Spice.
Jasmine, Dragon Phoenix Pearl (china)
Dragonwell, Spring Growth (china)
White Peony
Yeah I can second that, it is one of the ones that I regularly pick up. I have also tried the white that you have from there and enjoy it, although not quite as much! I'm heading back down there in two weeks so it will be stock up time again. Although more for charcoal than spices this time!

Originally posted by Clark Deutscher: I have also tried the white that you have from there and enjoy it, although not quite as much!

Clark, That was my first one I tried and found it weak, just not what I was looking for. So I made it again and upped the amount of tea leafs, but still found it lacking. I mean it's nice but just a little too subtle for me. That Jasmine rocks Dude!

