Double stack of pots?


B Smith

New member
Hello all,

I recently built one of these mini smokers with the SJG and the IMUSA pot. However, when ordering the pot from Walmart online, they thought they lost the first shipment, so they sent a replacement. Of course, a week later, now I have 2 pots at home! I found with using the lid, you could stack 2 pots for a taller smoke chamber, has anyone else tried this? I searched a bit online, but only found one other person to have done so, although he never followed up on how well it worked. I also found a guy with 4 pots stacked who used it for cold smoking!
Where the 2 pots meet, how tight are they, and is it very stable? If you can get the 2 to sit together and have a good seal, and it doesn't want to fall over or apart, then I see no reason it wouldn't work. If you do a quick search, several people have double stacked the center sections of their WSM's, this is basically the same thing.
Good luck,
I have stacked pots. It works fine for cold smoking. For hot smoking it works okay, but not great. You lose a bunch of the efficiency do to the chamber size and small charcoal basket.

Mind you I haven't messed with it too much either. I did 4 or five hot smokes and 10 cold smokes.

I think if you didn't use a diffuser you might be able to maintain 250°-265° for 6 hours or so.



You could always make the second pot into a mini pizza oven


Oh yeah that four stacker, yeah that's me!


Thanks for the insight, I had considered the bigger chamber size would lose too much heat, sounds like I was on the right track. That pizza oven is a good idea though! I currently use a 1/4” steel plate on my gas grill, heated to around 600+ to make pizzas, it works pretty good, but it would be nice to have 900 degrees like the brick ovens!
Where the 2 pots meet, how tight are they, and is it very stable? If you can get the 2 to sit together and have a good seal, and it doesn't want to fall over or apart, then I see no reason it wouldn't work. If you do a quick search, several people have double stacked the center sections of their WSM's, this is basically the same thing.
Good luck,
the lid has a bit of a lip on it, and the pot coincidentally fits perfectly on top of it, making it seem perfect to double stack. I imagine you could bolt them through the rim that you leave on the pot for extra rigidity.
You gotta wonder how much weight those little Smokey Joe legs can handle!

I've had (4) 9 pound butts in the double stack scenario. No problem! That smoke sucked though as I had to add lit fuel multiple times during the cook to keep thing s going.

