doing spare ribs and chicken for 4th


stan lee

New member
i believe i got the rib routine right...
275 degrees 3-2-1 method with water in pan.

but how can i incorporate chicken into this???

i've been reading that for chicken, it should be a higher temp
and no water in the pan (for crispy skin)....

using kingsford and apple wood chunks :D
I think at 275, you're going to want to shorten the cook... maybe more like 2-1.5-1.
For the chicken, instead of using the WSM's pan, use a separate aluminum catering pan on the bottom grate with your liquid for the ribs.
When you foil your ribs (or remove the ribs from the foil), take the catering pan out and put your chicken on the bottom rack for the last hour.
If the skin is not crispy enough, when your ribs come off, disassemble the smoker and put your chicken grate right on the coals.

Good luck and take pics. :)
I think at 275, you're going to want to shorten the cook... maybe more like 2-1.5-1.
For the chicken, instead of using the WSM's pan, use a separate aluminum catering pan on the bottom grate with your liquid for the ribs.
When you foil your ribs (or remove the ribs from the foil), take the catering pan out and put your chicken on the bottom rack for the last hour.
If the skin is not crispy enough, when your ribs come off, disassemble the smoker and put your chicken grate right on the coals.

Good luck and take pics. :)

thanks chris!!! any particular reason for using the aluminum pan?
To fill with liquid (water, apple juice, whatever) for the ribs. IMO, you do not want to do ribs without some source of moisture.
Ribs are the only meat I do not cook dry.

EDIT: After re-reading, I guess my first post was kinda confusing.
The pan is for the ribs...not the chicken. Sorry 'bout that. :o
The reason I say to use the disposable pan is so you can easily get rid of it when it's time to put the chicken on. This would not be an easy feat to attempt on a hot & full WSM water pan. ;)
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You can smoke the chicken on the lower grate and when done do a quick sear on a hot grill.

