doing baby backs


Thomas Franklin

New member
I am going to try those ribs I found at SuperTarget at $1.79 a pound. I found out that they were enhanced so am going to rub them with a minimum of salt. Hope they turn out, my wife's cousin from New Hampshire is here so she will be the quinea pig. I made a beer-butt chicken on the grill last night which turned out very good, so am hoping the ribs will also. Going to get the WSM going at about 1:00 this afternoon. Great weather in the great state of North Dakota today so will be a fun day smoking and sucking on some Fat Tire beer. Life could not be better for this retired school teacher!!
Hey Thomas-

While I do go out of my way to buy un-enhanced meat, it's not the end of the world. You're doing good taking the advice to use low (or preferably no) salt in the rub. Honestly, at $1.79/lb I'd pick up a couple racks of enhanced baby backs just for the hell of it. Particularly if you have some cold beers on hand for dinner, I'm sure you'll have a great meal!

PS - Actually I just searched their website, and it looks like the $1.79 special is here in Dallas too... I may swing by after work and grab a couple for the freezer!
i have had good luck using vinegar solutions primarily yellow mustard, which is mostly vinegar to remove the hammy flavour of pork.

i think enhanced pork tends to really accentuate that ham flavour as the salt in the brine they use slowly pickles the meat while it sits in the wrapper. the few times i have gotten enhanced by accident i have successfully offset that with the use of yellow mustard. i didnt salt them just used a rub on top of the mustard with little to no salt. they still werent the best ribs in the world that enhancing solution is pretty vile stuff.

