Dog Day Afternoon at The Pig Pen


Timothy Hoffman

TVWBB All-Star
It wasn't quite as <span class="ev_code_RED">HOT</span> today.

Even though this weather has gone to the dogs, they don't want it either. So I figure why not have some dogs.
I am getting pretty good at making these spiral cuts. I did up a package of Hebrew National. A different texture than the Oscar Mayer ones I did earlier this week so a couple where not so good. On the grill with a package of uncut Hebrew Nationals and some jalapenos.


Plated with my wifes oriental coleslaw.

Looks like you got the spiral dogs down pat! I gotta try doing them for my grand kids, they will think it's awesome!

Love the plate!
Beautiful Plate Tim!
And I mean the plate AND the grilled wonderfulness!
I know, you got that plate at the Goodwill Store, and I'm STILL looking for a few as nice!

with no luck...
Boy the spiral dogs have been a huge hit lately!! Looks super (103) geez u would sweat the booze out long befor the affect!

Nice plate!!! Love it!
Thanks for all the comments everyone!

Jim if you really want a plate like this just search ePay. Warren Kimble Flag Plate turned up many results including full settings.


