Does water in pan aid in smoke flavor?


Don Irish

I have converted to the ceramic dish in the water pan for the last two smokes (#36 – and I found out that the 36 stands for 36 cm in diameter ~ 14 in). I am an absolute convert. The stability of the temperature was incredible for relatively short smokes (ribs – 4-5 hours), literally set it and forget it. However, I have noticed that the smoke flavor is less than I am used to. So, my question is whether the water in the pan and subsequent evaporation/humidity aids in the transfer of the smoke flavor to the meat? Or perhaps I just did not put in as much hickory as I should of (I gotta take better notes).
I have never noticed a difference, to be honest. If I run anything in the pan, I use sand. Since I have two WSMs, I have one pan that is empty for higher temp. cooks and one pan loaded with sand that is for lower temp. cooks.

I just don't think there is a difference between water, sand, or nothing as far as flavor is concerned. Just my .02!
Does anybody put water in the ceramic dish? I know it wouldn't hold much but maybe just to keep the moisture level up a bit?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Shiloh:
Does anybody put water in the ceramic dish? I know it wouldn't hold much but maybe just to keep the moisture level up a bit? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Adding moisture really isn't the function of the water. It's a heat sink, there to moderate the temperature.
Ceramic dish all the way! It's so much easier.

