does the 18.5 have a thermometer on it?



New member
Hey all..I am new to the wonderful world of WSM's..and just got my new "to me" WSM 18.5 inch today....I got it ALL put together, doesn't have a thermometer on the lid. I thought they all did? it has the gray plastic lid handle and such..but I am wondering why it doesn't have a older models NOT have that feature??

Thanks for any help.

Dan, if you check out the wsm info section of tvwb you'll find where Chris has listed the changes with the wsm, most notably the changes made in '09. I wouldn't mind if my '09 wsm didn't have a gauge as I'm not all that impressed with it, and I recommend measuring the temp in the stream of circulation by hanging a therm in the dome vent, anyway.

What's more important is the pan, though. Before '09, the water pan was really shallow, so if you're near an Academy Sports or a store that has lots in the way of bbq gear, you really ought to try to find the charcoal pan that goes into one of the cheap Brinkman water smokers, but NOT the water pan (since it'll be too small in diameter.) That Brinkman Charcoal pan shouldn't have any holes in it, and it'll hold a lot more water than the old OE Weber pan. You're not missing anything with the '09 and newer pan, though. While the old one is too shallow, the new one is too deep and the Brinkman pan holds just about the same amount of water, but has a flat bottom. This gives you more room for another layer+ of briqs and better access to the coals/wood.

Congrats on the smoker.
thanks guys...Yeah I don't mind that there isn't a thermometer in the dome really, as I use a maverick ET732 no big deal.

Also..the guy I bought it from already did the deeper water pan "mod"...the water pan that is in it about 5 or 6 inches deep. REALLY I am good to go.

From most of my reading, the Weber thermoter on the lid is far from accurate anyway. I do have one, and I use a DIGIQ 2 DX Temp Controller, and my Weber Thermoter is usually at least 15-20 degrees different that my DIgiQ. I checked the calibration on my DigiQ and it is on the money.

With that said, "If I'd just bought a brand new WMS I'd call Customer Support and demand a new lid with thermoter just in case your temp conroller was ever down for repair or whatever.

Just an idea. Good luck with it, you will enjoy the results.

