Does anyone use Himalayan pink salt?



How do you use it, marinade, white salt replacement ,etc.? I have kosher, Maldon flake and various seasoned salts now.
In short, yep! all the above, it’s a nice finishing salt but, do I find a big flavor signature? Not so much. It’s another bottle to keep track of.i probably have eight different salts and consistently reach for the pig of kosher I have to dig through the cupboard for the alder smoked or black or whatever. I guess I’m just not picky.
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How do you use it, marinade, white salt replacement ,etc.? I have kosher, Maldon flake and various seasoned salts now.
it's more minerally in flavor profile. go to winco and get a small bag and try it to see if you like it. they sell it in bulk.

i use it as a finishing salt. and the same for sea salt too. cooking and prepping, i use Morton Kosher.

to see if you like a salt, taste the actual raw salt. in fact, taste every herb or spice you own/use, so you know what they taste like too.
I like it and it's the main salt I use. I get mine from Costco but it looks like you can get it on Amazon also. At least the one that I get I'm sure you can get others and plenty of different places alsoScreenshot_20240620_142321_Chrome.jpg

