Do you baste your pork butt?



New member
I'm going to smoke my 1st pork butt this weekend. Do you baste yours? I'm not sure if I should mess with it or not; I can't see it adding very much flavor.


If the flavors are concentrated and you baste frequently it can work. But it's a breeze to add flavors after cooking so...
I used to, but I have read quite a bit on this site since, and it appears (from a scientific standpoint) that basting doesn't really add much flavor unless it is highly concentrated and applied with much diligence, per Kevin. Plus, from personal experience, I like a very crusty bark, and basting will slow that formation down quite a bit. If anything, I'll add a bit of sauce after pulling (pork butt) or just rely on the natural fat and juices and proper cooking to keep moist (brisket).

For ribs and chicken, I'll apply some sauce on at the end, but not during the vast majority of the cook.
Haven't found a valid reason to baste/spritz. The meat is 'sweating' so it's not going to absorb moisture. So really the only thing you are doing is cooling down the outside and adding a layer of sugar (if a juice) that can burn and add a bitter flavor.

I don't baste, mop, spritz, or otherwise; ANY bbq cuts anymore. You can add much more flavor through vinegar-based sops after pulling, and the wsm is tough to beat as a water smoker. Moisture is never an issue if I start with good meat and do a decent job cooking.
Noted above, the meat is "sweating" while it cooks if you're doing it low. Basting/spritzing impedes the sweating and adds to the plateau effect. On a big piece of meat for simplicity of answer, I see no quality reason to baste outside of making the cook more fun, which is just fine. Some do, some don't, others swear by either side. Try it both ways and make your own decision. I don't spritz anymore.
Baste no,
finishing sauce yes.

I've tried mopping and injecting, low and high heats, foiled and not. Now I just rub and cook over high heat, unfoiled.
Just to show that there are different methods, I like to inject the butts with a combination of apple juice and a little of the rub I will be using. Every time I open the smoker I spritz the butts with some apple juice. My advise is to try it different ways and see what you like best.

Merry Christmas
When I mentioned that I don't spritz or baste I should've mentioned that I put a good bit of brown and even sometimes dark brown sugar in my rubs.

I'm with the other opinions completely, but I do occasionally add a squirt of honey on a butt or ribs about 1 hour before they are done. It just add a bit of sweetness to contrast the savory, in my opine. Regardless, a good simple rub, or nothing but salt and pepper, has always proven sufficient as long as the meat has sufficient fat and is not cooked dry. Fat is flavor, and the best at that. Good luck!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by T Bounds:
Regardless, a good simple rub, or nothing but salt and pepper, has always proven sufficient as long as the meat has sufficient fat and is not cooked dry. Fat is flavor, and the best at that. Good luck! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

So true. Regarding the fat and flavor, be observant and compare different pork brands and you'll probably find one that's consistently better.
Another never. Lid goes on and doesn't get opened until I'm ready to test for tenderness. (I never cook more than one at a time)

