Do the sidewinder knobs fit a n/s E320



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Will the E/W grill knobs fit this N/S E320???
I don’t think so. The E-W knobs were kind of unique in how long the stems were. The newer 300, as you know I am sure, have flush stems since the valve piece sticks out from the control panel.
I am tempted to grab that grill, but if all three knobs broke during a fall, I am guessing there is a lot more damage than that. Plus, as usual, we don't get to see what the inside of the cabinet looks like.
For me it looks like the valve stem of the center valve broke off as well. In general I would be concerned with damage to the manifold.
I have too many "Parts grills already. I have parts from a couple E series grills in totes and another partially stripped E series grill taking up space in the garage. All are sidewinders however. I just sold a Silver B today but picked another rehab candidate Silver B up a couple days ago, so I am not making any real headway in clearing space. It is going to take me 20 minutes just to get my next project (SS framed Platinum) out from under everything.

