Do I need a WSM or not?

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Hi WSM enthusiasts,

I have recently been doing a lot of bbq'n and have been considering buying the WSM. I'm just wondering why I should...although I'm sure you guys can provide reasons.

Right now, I have just about the cheapest smoker available. It was my dad's, and I don't even know what company it's made by (although I think it is "Mr. Meat Smoker". It's electric, and you put wood chips above the elements to make them smoke. Anyway, I have a real hard time getting the temperature above 180 degrees--at least when it is 45 degrees out (the coldest I'll be cooking in here in CA). Also, it has absolutely no ventilation holes at all...not even one in the top of the unit.

Will the WSM be able to maintain 225-250 degrees on a 45 degree day? And how necessary are the vent holes if you're not using charcoal?


Phil R.
I would characterize an electric smoker with no vents as more akin to baking with smoke-- the element providing the heat energy. The WSM, being wood charcoal-fired, requires a controlled oxygen source for temperature maintenance, which the adjustable vents provide.

Cooking on a 45° day should present no problem-- I do it all the time during our "winters" down here. You won't regret buying a WSM.
The smoke from the chips creates enough smoke to go bad if there is no exhaust.
You will find the folks here have come up with ways to cook at pit temps well over 300 degrees.
Maintaining 225 to 260 during cold weather is also covered very well.
Go to the TVWB home page and read Cooking and Operating Tips.

The rest of the info you might need just ask here and folks will be happy to answer your questions.
I lived in Chicago for three years and regularly cooked in the winter. More than once, I woke up to check the progress on an overnight cook to find a halo of driveway asphalt about 6 inches wide around my WSM. The rest of the driveway was covered with 6+ inches of snow.

the biggest culprit, in cold or warm temps is the wind. It can wreck havoc on your fire, causing it to flare up and die out early-along with possibly overcooking your food
You don't *need* a WSM, you *want* one.
Go to the front page of this site, click on the "Amazon" link and get one. You will not regret it.

I've never known a charcoal BBQ to be so consistent, and that's here in London in the cold and rain. In the summer I got it to last 24 hours on a single load of charcoal. It happily worked away while I slept, in the morning the temp was right where I left it! By noon (hour 23) it was starting to drop a bit.

Best decision I've made in a while, and everyone here is very helpful.

I BBQ in Sweden, where we easily get below -20°C, and the only thing that happens is that the WSM consumes more charcoal per hour...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phil Rex:
Hi WSM enthusiasts,

Do I need a WSM or not? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks guys. I kind of already wanted one, but just needed reasons to justify it to my dad and girlfriend ("you already have that other smoker! What do you need this one for?"). They are pretty unfamiliar with the intracacies of good 'Cue so I think I will still have my work cut out for me in explaining.

Maybe I'll ask Santa...

Thanks again.
Well, friends don't let friends BBQ with electricity, and think of the power bill ... KWHs aren't cheap. Your dad'll understand, buy your girl a brisket -- I mean some jewellery - then get the WSM ... here I'll help click me

gotta pick up some ribs tomorrow, I've got Friday off with my son .. looks like BBQ time while wifey's out
Good to see from Morgan's link that the free shipping is back up front (don't have to hunt for it), and says it ships within 24 hrs.
If you've been using the "Mr. Meat" smoker for BBQin, you just think you've been BBQin!

I started smoking/BBQin with a "Little Chief" electric smoker. Did some salmon, did some cheese, even put a pork roast in it after reading about BBQin on some "Forums". I thought it was great!

Then I bought a WSM. World of difference! Now I'm BBQin!

If you need any more reason - "Ya gotta buy somethin' for yourself for Christmas. Otherwise, how ya gonna know you'll get what you want!"
YES! After an ECB, using a WSM is like going to heaven. Go ahead and do what you know you want to do. GET IT! Surprise them. TO parphrase an old boss: Girlfriends are a dime a dozen but a good smoker is hard to find.
Vernon, I have to disagree. A good smoker is easy to find, just click Morgan's Amazon link!
I did get a dozen girlfriends for a dime once though...

I bought 3 smokers in 6 months (the last one was the WSM)...kept the same wife the whole time..added a child and will be adding another (Child and WSM)...her is how I sold her on it

1. She knows I love Q'ing
1.. I know she hates the smoke
2. I bought an electric smoker (similiar to yours)...had temp problems..she heard me complain a few times...started tinkering with it and adding fuel (lump charcoal)...sent an 8 foot ball of flame up it one day at her Mom's (Lump charcoal and hot grease do not mix)...bye bye electric smoker
3. She bought me a stainless steel propane smoker from Costco (warehouse megastore)...cooked with it a few times...started tinkering with it and adding fuel (lump charcoal)...turned the inside of the unit black and increased the smoke in the house (kinda defeated her idea of me "smoking" with propane)
4. BORROWED a WSM...practiced with it at a buddy's house...then brought it home and smoked one night..because of the great temp control I was able to keep a minimial amount of smoke from coming out the top (a nice small wispy blue smoke) turned out great, smoke was mininal,wife was happy...

Now..don't get me wrong..what happened was not intentional...I really did not know what smoker I wanted and my mishaps were not part of a master plan to deceive my wife...(I just like telling this story)..
What really sold her was how easy the WSM is for me to operated and that she doesn't lose me for 18 hour smokes..I cooked for 4 days (different foods and fuel adds) during the Thanksgiving (US) holiday and still was with the family 90% of the time...

1. The unit is exceptional in maintaining its temp = less time tending the fire, more time with your family...I ran it overnight during a cold spell here in SoCal (yes we had one..nights were down to the 30's)...just to test working with it in the cold, steady temp all night

2. It is relatively inexpensive (the costco unit cost her close to $300.00, the WSM only %179.00)

3. It Q's great food...You can use it in competitions and do very well (I won a 5th place ribbon for Brisket in my first competition)...

AND...what other smoker do you know of that has its own dedicated website, as good as this one, with great people, recipes and an awesome information source on how to use, modify and cook with it...

Good Luck Phil..hope to see you posting some more, in the near future, asking for recipes and tips on the using the WSM.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>AND...what other smoker do you know of that has its own dedicated website <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

To tell you the truth, that is what got me interested in the WSM in the first place. I've surfed a ton of 'Q webpages, and was referred to vwb. I kind of thought, if this thing has it's own website and has such a following, it must be at least decent.

I was thinking of buying a Klose, but I think the wsm is more expensive shipping and it's smaller (I live by myself and usually only cook for me and the girlfriend, although occasionally I have people over). I plan to buy one soon...I want to get the xmas shopping over first though to see what I'm left with
Yes you do need one. I was using a Brinkman for the past few years and was happy with that. (the style with no vants even) Made some good 'Q with it so I and others thought. You can't even start to compare the two IMHO. Did I mention you should get one?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
TO parphrase an old boss: Girlfriends are a dime a dozen but a good smoker is hard to find.

How bout this one?

It's easier to ask forgiveness, than ask permission!

Just order it. You'll be glad you did!
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