Darian Hofer
Could always route the area around handle a little lower to give you finger grip room?
I was thinking about a dado to recess the bracket into the wood, also would sit flush with the front of the smoker when folded down. Thanks Lew.As you stated, you can plane it down to increase handle clearance OR you can dado in the bracket to increase the clearance. Others have gone the dado approach.
Very nice’My shelf material arrived today, did a rough test fit to determine how long it should be.
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Holy $#!T it took me a few reads to figure out what you meant, you're talking about modding the lid handle to angle it up? Brilliant!For a little extra handle clearance, flip it over so it angles more straight out instead of down. You will need to drill out the alignment hole slightly to accept the bolt diameter. You'll see what I mean when you take it off. Shouldn't take but a few minutes to complete the mod.
I'll try this out on my spare lid first, thanks for the great idea.Yep. Just unbolt the handle, and rotate the bosses, they're not symmetrical. The boss has two offset holes, one for the alignment pin, if I recall it correctly, and one for the bolt. I used a uni-bit to slightly open up the smaller alignment hole and put the bolt in that one, and it angles the handle a little up instead of down. It's not a huge change, but it raises the handle slightly and gives a little more hand clearance. Hope that makes some sense, been a while since I did it, but it wasn't hard and should be self explanatory once you get them off.