Dissasembling performer for transport


Pat Colbeck

New member

I just scored my first Weber a Performer on ebay for £50. It's not the latest one with a digital thermometer but the one before that with the thermometer in the lid but still with the pastic work surface. It comes with a cover, some utensils and the charcoal cages plus a couple of bottles of gas. The grill grate is missing but it looks pretty good and the price is very good as these cost aboiut £400 new here in the UK.
The ony issue is that its a 150 miles from where I live and I need to pick it up. Whats good is that its close to our head office where I have to go frequently, whats bad is I have a hatch back Skoda Octavia a mid sized (for Europe) car.. Do Performers dissasemble easily ? The vendor says it doesn't at all but since they come as a kit I presume they must. I dont think I would need to take it completely apart as I have managed to get a small two seat sofa (couch) in the back of the car before but may need to break it down a bit.


One of the member on here brought an assembled Performer home in a Corvette, so certainly it can be done. Bring some tools to take it apart just in case.
You can go to Weber .com and download the owners manual which would give the assemble instructions. you will only need a couple of tools a screw driver/ adjustable wrench (spanner) and some pliers.
I would take some sandwich bags for parts, and trash bags to put the bowl and lid into to keep you car clean, I picked up my performer assembled and put it in my Honda CRV just removed the lid fit great with room left over.

I've broken down several so that they could fit in my trunk. The performers with a plastic table need a phillips head screw driver and a 7/16" wrench/socket. SS performers need two 7/16 wrenches/sockets. A battery powered screwdriver or drill with a phillips head attachment will make it that much easier to break it down. A pair of needle nosed pliers to remove the clip which holds the hode to the burner is a good idea too, as if you use a screwdriver, it will find a way to fly off and it'll be a pain to locate. And as mentioned previously, bring an extra-large garbage bag for bowl and grates.
Thanks. I'm picking it up tommorow night so fingers crossed it goes in easy.

friggin' things are saviors.

good luck with the wedging it in there.
Well with the parcel shelf out and the rear seats folded down it went straight in without taking it apart. I just took the charcoal bin out and put that the lid and the charcoal grate in bin liners to keep the car clean. The kind lady I bought it off had already cleaned the inside of the kettle. I will post another thread with pictures tommorow as I just got back and it's dark here now.
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i'm liking this Skoda more and more (had it four months). It swallowed a 2 meter long desk flat pack from Ikea last week as well. It's not flash and it it doesnt grab you at first but it slowley grows on you. The two reviews that summed it up best were one that said "all the car you ever need" and another that said "a bit roomier than you expect, a bit comfier, a bit nicer to drive, a bit more economical etc etc. Its a car as a tool rather than as an object of desire and for what I need thats just fine, plus it will do 72mpg in eco mode on the motorway. Next time though I will get an estate (station waggon) version rather than a hatchback for even more load moving goodness.
72 miles per gallon? Really? Do you guys have shorter miles over there?:)

No but we have biiger gallons :)

Seriously an imperial Gallon as used in the UK is 4.5 litres compared to teh US gallon which is 3.8 litres.

Its not fun driving in eco mode as it's dampens the throttle respomce and changes the settings on the 7 speed semi auto box so it shifts up really quickly. But there again on a mtorway where your just crusing along this doesnt matter as its not a fun environmnet to drive in anyway and I'll take the fuel saving thank you very much. It has the opposite setting as well "sport" where it holds on to the gears for longer before changing and sharpens the throtlle responce and tightens the steering up a bit as well. If you want to drive like a loon then "sport" mode plus knocking the gearbox into manual mode (its a VW/Audi DSGi) and shift with the lever makes for an entertaining drive but uses a lot more fuel !
nice score Pat - you'll love the Performer
lets see some shots once you have it all back together


oh and a great job for catching it at £50 - they usually go for at least £150 used here in the UK

