Display Issue



I had an old 4.1.4 board that i had populated and never used. A friend of mine decided to get into smoking so I am going to give it to him. Problem.. I turned it on and everything works fine, except the lcd... its got weird characters all over the screen, i have flashed the heatermeter to the latest, all that stuff. Everything is working like a champ except for that damn screen. What should I check to see about fixing it?

Any chance the wrong display is chosen in the config ie: you've got a 2 line display but the config is set for a 4 line display?


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I would reflow solder on the shift register (the IC chip that is not the ATMega) and verify all the solder connections on the 6 pins on the outside of both ends of the LCD connector (look for shorts/solder bridge and test for continuity). I would do the solder reflow first, 'cause its easier....
tried that already, that was the first thing i did, i looked for all the goofs and i reflowed solder on the lcd, and both chips, same issue.

where should i go now?
I see all gold around the shift register and ATMega legs on top of the board, did you re-flow solder after you took that pic?
Try swapping the Atmega328P chip out of your known good one into this one and see if the display starts reading correctly.
i guess ralph was right... again... i had checked everything, but i just went through again, heated up the connection, then plugged it in, TADA!! weird.

Thanks as always Ralph

