Direct Grilled Spares and Jerked Chicken

Jeff, I'm interested in hearing more about your direct grilling technique for the ribs. It all looks so good - picture perfect!

I was planning on doing it on a 22" wsm minus the water pan. But since I wasn't going to be home, I decided to bring a more portable 18", do the chicken on that and the ribs on a gas grill.

I kept flipping and rotating the ribs around, varying the heat between med and low for about 45 min. I set up the bath and got them going in there, with the heat up a bit until things were simmering. I alternated 10-15 min simmer and grilling until I felt they were close to tender (about 2 hours total). If I did it again, I'd make sure I had a bigger pan, or less ribs, because they really needed to get down in the bath to get tender. Rotating them, with one rack always out was a little problematic. Also, I tossed the last rack back in the pan after cutting so they picked up more of the "gravy" (see final pic). That was pretty key, as you can imagine these come out on the dry side since they've been cooking hotter.

