different rubs - different meats ?


brian diethert

New member
hey all, my new wsm is going to get its trial run this week. what i'm wondering is do you guys try to come up with a different rub that enhances each meat ie. beef, pork, chicken, does one rub do them all ? is it whatever your in the mood for that day,-- sweet or spicy ? i would guess that half the fun would be to have many in your arsenal. i'm thinking i'm going to quarter a couple of chickens for the maiden voyage ,i'll try to get some pics up to see how you guys think they look . thanks for all the info
It's really up to you what kind of rub you want to use with the smoke/bbq. That's what makes this hobby so fun...trying different spices with different meats. You can certainly come up with a taste/flavor that nobody had created before.

Myself, I scour the internet and books and try different rubs on different meats. Sometimes I'll tweak the rub recipe across multiple racks of ribs. I mean I'll take 3 or 4 racks and try out 3 or 4 different rubs. If none of them work out, I'll still eat them, but try something different next time.
If I'm making two slabs of ribs I'll often put on different rubs because different family members have different preferences. Sometimes I'll do one that I know works and one I'm not so sure about.

That being said an awful lot of things are very good with just some salt and pepper (helps if it's a good grade of pepper you've freshly cracked). As Jack said, it's really up to you.

