Difference between a packer and a flat?


Ryan Ko

TVWBB Super Fan
I have done a few whole packers briskets before but never just a flat. I am thinking of doing a flat this weekend because I don't want that much meat. Are there any major differences in how these are done? If I cook this the same way I do my packers will it be ok?

Depending what your sources for meat are, cooking a flat can be almost the same as cooking a packer. If the flat is, essentially, simply removed from the packer and left alone - so it is still of good size, still thick, still untrimmed - this is usually the case.

In many areas (like mine in Florida) flats in the condition I just noted are impossible to find. There, all flats are wildly overtrimmed and thus substantially thinner. Sometimes the thinnest end is also removed, making them small, sad speciemns of what they once were. These do not cook the same as a packer at all, let alone cook the same as a good flat.

If you can get nice, thick flats that are untrimmed or trimmed minimally, go for it. If not, I'd suggest getting a packer and either cook as is and freeze the point after the cook for use in future meals (this is what I do), or separate point from flat before cooking and either freeze the point raw for something in the future, or grind it for burgers, then freeze, and cook the flat alone.
Thanks for the advice Kevin!

I really only have about one good source for packers around here. I was at Sams last night and they only have flats. I didn't examine them very well, but I suspect they are mostly untrimmed. I asked if they could get packers and they said I would have to order a whole case. The thing is the person didn't know how many was in a case or what the price would be. They told me to call in the morning. LOL
I get my packers at wally world. Sams here has flats and over trimmed at that.

Last year I was in at sams and asked if they would order me a case of packers and went on to ask why they did not stock packers. The year before they got packers every once in a while. They said they didn't order in the packers they just got them in. I was like well you are selling them, I was a regular going once sometimes twice a week at the time. When they got in packers they were gone by my next visit. Anyhow I couldn't even get them to order me a case. If their prices weren't so good I wouldn't go there anymore.

Sams is the only place I can get non enhanced meat. The only thing walmart sells that isn't enhanced is packer brisket, flats are enhanced. Everything at Kroger is enhanced. I don't have any other stores within reasonable drive.

I haven't done a flat for quite some time. Mainly because price per pound it was about the same price to buy packers as flats. When I smoked a flat that was over trimmed I would do pretty much the same as packers but I put strips of bacon over the top to help baste the brisket. When the bacon on top was done I would flip the brisket and put on more bacon.
I was going to run out to Sam's today and pick up a flat, but if they are over trimmed then I may reconsider. I had no idea that Wal Mart had packers. I will have to check our wal mart. Do they stock them or order them in for you? I paid 2.99/lb for my last packer at the local meat place. Is that good?
The availability of packers depends on your area. For example here in Central TX, I can pick them up at just about any market for around $1.80 - $2.10/lb. But in some areas of the country all that seems to be available are flats. As Kevin posted, that can be a problem if they trim them excessively. Prices are based on local market.


