Did you receive the 2014 Model WSM from Amazon?


Dan J Larson

New member
I'm ready to order the 18.5 WSM from Amazon but I wanted to check to see who's ordered one recently and if they received the 2014 model with the thermometer grommet and handles on the lower rack. I've read other posts on this so I apologize for redundancy, I'm just looking for the most recent Amazon purchased WSMs and whether or not they're 2014 models. Thanks!
Dan, you should be able to start a new thread in any forum. It works the same in all forums once your account is activated. Are you getting an error or are you not seeing the Post New Thread button?
Dan, you should be able to start a new thread in any forum. It works the same in all forums once your account is activated. Are you getting an error or are you not seeing the Post New Thread button?

Hi Chris, not seeing the Post New Thread button. I looked and looked...but as my wife says, you're not looking hard enough.
I ordered a WSM 22 last week and got the 2014 model. Love me some Amazon Prime... Free 2 day shipping for this giant box? yes please!

Click on "Forum", then click on "Introduce Yourself" When that thread comes up, you will see "Post New Thread" at the top left (just under the advertisement). It is the same for other threads also. You may be looking when you are reading a thread where you can only "reply" Hope this helps.

