Did something wrong..

It's been brought up before but I find the concept of the socket for an fixed-function IC to be silly. If you put in the voltage regulator backwards you'd fry something too, should it have a socket? Sockets for every component! Considering they cost about the same amount, maybe I should just put 2 of them on the parts list :)

Also I think it might be too wide to fit with the headphone jack in the way considering the socket is slightly wider than the chip. It might be cheaper to get the part from eBay shipped from USA with free shipping. 10x for $3 shipped

Bryan you are correct it will most likely hit the audio jack ....i can prove this tommorow when my boards come. I am building a few more with dale's case the outdoor products dry box.... for me it doesnt matter for others it may. i only like having the socket cause i dont worry about over heating the chips when soldering....I triple and quadruple check those things before i put them in to be honest. My setup is a bit different as to the fact that i want everything to stay dry no matter what the conditions. Actually had a intersting idea using a folding music stand as a base and then putting a clip that the top would slid into then you would have a stand for it also.
My second HeaterMeter board was delivered today, finally... This time around it took OSH Park 16 days to get the board to me, which was a surprise because the first one was delivered in about a week. Glad the first one got here fast, it would have been tough looking at all the other parts sitting here waiting to be built....
At any rate, I took a picture of the board before it is populated so all of the values can be observed....

Hope it helps you out...

I have a new IC3 on order (ya.. it's pretty tough for a non-pro to remove a 16 pin IC, I used braid, flux, patience.. then gave up and clipped!). Once it comes in, will solder it in correctly, make sure the solder has flowed to both sides at all spots, and checked all the resistor values. Then I'll power it up and see what happens.



I have a new IC3 on order (ya.. it's pretty tough for a non-pro to remove a 16 pin IC, I used braid, flux, patience.. then gave up and clipped!). Once it comes in, will solder it in correctly, make sure the solder has flowed to both sides at all spots, and checked all the resistor values. Then I'll power it up and see what happens.



Sorry you had to re-order, but I am confident things will go better once you get that chip installed in the right orientation. As long as your rPi still boots I think you will be good to go...
Just to follow up on this.. soldered in the new IC3, doubled checked that solder had flowed to the other side of the board, and fired it up... to have no lights, nothing!

Turns out, when I went around resoldering I bridged two pins on the voltage regulator! Luckily I noticed and was able to fix that up no problem. After some struggling to get networking working, I'm now all set! It is working and I can access it via my laptop on wifi. Perfect!

Thanks for all the help guys.

