dedicated smoker for seafood


Lewis B

TVWBB Super Fan
Hi Guys. Who recommends a dedicated smoker for seafood only? If you do why? Is a 14" a good choice? Do you use it for other foods or seafood exclusive? I have some friends that want me to smoke some salmon. I have been kicking the idea around but my wife may not be on board. Ill need to justify the purchase. Thanks.

Why do you need a dedicated smoker for seafood only? I've ran some things past my bride, but that's a tough sale, LOL
I always used the same smoker before but in Harry Soo's review on, he says to not mix. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong by using the same smoker. Thanks for the reply.
Nah your not doing anything wrong. Folks that compete in BBQ comp's like to season the WSM with certain meats and not mix in others.
For the regular backyard Joe, cook away.:wsm:


