DEAL on a used Q100 (w/ pics)

Not too much detail, but I got a chance to clean her up yesterday.
  • Wire brush the grates
  • Wire brush the inside of the cookbox, top and bottom
  • Uninstall burner tube, wire brush, then clean out every hole with torch files. Reinstall.
  • Turn her on HIGH for about half hour, try to burn off some of the funk. Oil the grates while it's hot and wire brush them again.
  • Wait to cool, the bust out the hose, Simple Green, and #0000 steel wool and wash down the entire outside
  • Turn her on HIGH for about half hour to thoroughly dry. Oil the grates while it's hot and wire brush them again.

I wasn't out to make a showpiece out of it, I was looking to make a functional and clean grill for my GF. Had a few hours into it, and nothing but my $5 original investment. I think I did pretty great!

grill before.jpg

grill after.jpg

And that is all you need to do to make that grill a good cookin grill. Well done.
$5 was a steal.

I never would have thought those grates would have come out so good.
And that is all you need to do to make that grill a good cookin grill. Well done.
$5 was a steal.

I never would have thought those grates would have come out so good.
Believe me, it took a lot of elbow grease. I lost count of how many times I wire brushed them and then applied oil....and then the oil seemed to loosen up more crud. But I'm happy with the end result!
Did you show your girlfriend the before photo? Knowing women you could make it as clean as an operating room and they'd still be grossed by it. LOL
She has seen it, both in pictures, and in person. She's pretty level-headed, and knows the value of a dollar, and is more than happy/ready to cook on her new-to-her $5 Weber. :)

