Daughter's Prom Dinner!


wayne patton

TVWBB Member

I think I have received a nice compliment from my daughter and friends. We cooked dinner for 4 couples last year serving ribeyes.

This year were are doing dinner for 10 Prom go-ers plus 4 adults. They actually requested my smoked ribs this year rather than steaks! I bought 12 racks of ribs and somehow managed to get them all on the WSM! I have last years 18" model.

Sorry about the blurry pic, but you get the idea. They have been on 5 hours now, and I am planning on taking them off after about 7 total. They should be nice and tender by then!

why not check them for tender before 7 hours just to make sure you don't miss that sweet spot? JMO, good luck
Wow - what a daughter! What friends she has!

My daughter's prom is tonight also. They are doing a progressive dinner and somehow dessert ended up at our house - my wife makes a wicked cheesecake.

So the dessert is to be served outside on the patio. My wife - I love my wife - asked me if I would move "a few" of my grills for the night's festivities. Oh the agony of it all!

I hope the evening turns out well and not too many of the prom-goers are wearing white. For my Senior Prom, my dad cooked BBQ chicken - DIPPED in sauce!!!!!

It looks great - now check those ribs!!

It's bee 6 hours, time for a check. I checked an hour ago, and they were not done. If they are done, I am planning on putting them in a cooler to stay warm until dinner which is two hours from now.
They are done! 6.5 hours and they are pulling apart.

Should I let them cool and re-heat or is putting them in the cooler to stay warm ok???

Dinner is 2.5 hours from now! I needed to get them done a bit early as the kids all gather at a local park for pictures and I can't miss that.
I would put them in a cooler and hold them until dinner. Personally, I would wrap them in foil, double wrapped, put them in a cooler with some towels or newspaper on top then, just a bit before serving them, put them on the Weber kettle over medium heat for a few minutes just to firm them up in case they have steamed a bit in the foil.

Others may differ on that call, but either way, I don't think you can go wrong.

Ya'll enjoy!

They are in the cooler. No grill where we're eating but there will be an oven. I may throw em in there for a couple min, just to get the temp back up. I'll see when I open the cooler!
That was the before pic as they were going on. They cooked today at about 225 for most of the time. It climbed to about 235 the last 90 minutes and I left it alone.

I used "Bone Suckin Rib" rub today. One rack got some Weber Classic BBQ Rub just to use it up since little was left.

The Prom dinner was a hit. They all ate ribs, my daughter's boyfriend had seconds and thirds!

I ended up letting then "rest" in the cooler after they were done, and then served them. They were still plenty warm after 2 hours in the coolers.

I did not take an after picture.

Glad the ribs were a hit. My daughter's group just blew through here like Sherman through Georgia for dessert. At the big picture takin, one of the other dads was describing how he cooked pork tenderloins for the "entree" course of their progressive dinner - I was wishing I had been able to cook for them.

I think I would have opted for pork loin on the 22" kettle rotisserie.

You will remember doing this for your daughter and her friends for many years, and it will be a fond memory - for you as well as for her.

Great story! Thanks for sharing. I'm doing 3 slabs of BB's tomorrow on my WSM and just doing some research tonight. Vince

