Cut Butt in Half Results -- WITH PICS!

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Rob Provost

After taking everone's advise (see discussion below - "Cut Butt in half. 3 lbs each, one w/the bone"), I decided to tie the boneless butt just to make sure it wouldn't fall apart. Due to the extra surface area I rubbed them both lightly at 6:00pm with plans of putting them on the smoker first thing in the morning.

Well, I didn't get the Butts on the smoker until 9:30am (of course this is the one day the kids decide to let me sleep late!).

Here's how they looked going on:


Temp held steady all day at around 250 at the lid. At 1:30 I turned and sprayed down with apple juice (I only had enough vinegar left for the sauce). The butts hit 195 at 6:30 and I took them off:


I pulled the Butts, added some extra rub and vinegar sauce, and served with a tomato based sauce. The wife's quote, "This is the best butt yet". I guess the extra bark was the key (or the starvation since I put them on late).

Thanks to all for your advise. I think the benefit of extra bark and decreased cooking time is a win/win. I don't see any negatives to cutting the Butts in half.

Any thoughts?
Yes i do Rob, They Look Perfect. Well done.
I would normally say that your making me hungry but. I did a chuck roll today (beef butt). The wife liked it better than pork butt. Used head Country HOT BBQ sauce and made Chipotle Mayo. So your not making me hungry with them awsome butt pics.
Mmmmm... Head Country Hot - one of our household favorites!

Rob, the pork looks great. Makes me wish I had done a butt this weekend.
Thanks Bryan/Keri. Looks like I should try some Head Country Hot. Where do you get it? Locally or mail?

Well Bryan - you're right down the road. I'm gonna have to stop by for some of that chuck roll
Thanks Bryan. I'll check out the site right now.

I also wanted to add that tying the boneless half of the butt didn't seem necessary. It held together fine.
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