Customs & Classics

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Shaun R

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I was thinking it would be cool to have a place to show off originals, custom grills & smokers and tell about them in detail.

Here's my latest creation ~El Jefe~

Our fellow member AJ picked this up this old Copper Mist/Chocolate 26 3/4 inch Weber in Aptos California sight unseen. I expressed some interest and we met up and made a few trades including a decent red 22 for it. It was a real basket case after being exposed to salt water most of it's life. It had a missing front handle, very bent lid, rust, pock marks and chips in it. The previous owner also used it as a fire pit. Sorry no before pics.

I gave it a cleaning and some straightening and then began to decide what to do with it.

I realized that it wasn't really going to be a great "looker" and I wanted to use it so I put it together with that in mind. Since the legs were a bit mangled at the top I decided to give it a 2 1/2 drop and added my Regal Red painted original wheels from my secret stash with white caps for that ratty look.

I also riveted on a front handle from HD and painted that and the rusted bottom triangle with Cinnamon colored paint. Not a perfect match, but close. I also added new thumb screws to the legs. Since the top handle was also broken I added an old bottom piece to the original top and re-riveted it back on for that used look. I also have the original ash catcher, but it seems to be so big it hides all the extras I added so I put on a newer style one from a 22.5.

Under the hood I used the original rusted charcoal grate and re-covered it with expanded metal. Next I made a small charcoal basket. I really like the "Trap Door" main grate also given to me by AJ. With this I can light the charcoal and add smoke wood without removing the grate. (the Weber flip up grates never worked for me). A rear slide aside lid bale was a necessity for an older heavy 26er lid. The warming rack also fits really well on this old 26 inch model. The very last thing I did was to paint El Jefe (The Chief is the original name from the Weber Catalog) on the front of the hood to make it look a little more interesting.

And there ya have it! It's a lot of fun to cook on and makes a great conversation piece as well as a mean steak.

Thanks for looking and I hope to see and learn more about some of those other awesome cookers out there.
Great grill Shaun. I really hope this thread takes off, everyone loves grill p*rn, and a great way to get new ideas for our grills.
Originally posted by Jeff Kolodziejski:
Turned out nice Shaun! any more of those wheels in your "secret stash"?? Maybe one???
Sorry Jeff, I know you need one. I only have the plastic ones that came with it. I will keep an eye open for a single one for you. Please post at least one of yours and tell the story.
I knew if anyone could bring back life to the old girl, you could!
El Jefe, or to us Gringos,(just a bit of humor, please don't send any letters) The Chief, looks amazing!
It shows how you can take something that was cast away and turn it into a daily cooker.
You are my hero!
I need to find some more junk that you can convert to gold...
What was this thread about again? Lol..
Shaun, ~EL JEFE~ turned out great! I like the fact that you brought back to life an abused kettle and put your custom touch on it, turning it into an awesome daily cooker with many years of great cooking left on her.

you sir have the "fever" bad! AKA= a sickness for Webers you just can't get rid of.

And if by any chance you ever wanna get rid of your original ash catcher let me know. My Aristocrat was missing the original and I had to put the newer style ash catcher on her.
Nice story Shaun.....I see my grill still has a few relatives out there
....job well done....stay thirsty my friend.
Really nice job on EJ Shaun!

I don't have the drive to re-hab the way many of you do, but thought I'd show my little yellow fellow.

Pretty rough when found:

I sanded out the rough areas, and used Rust-Oleum engine enamel.

A pretty close match, and I tried to feather it in, but gave up and very lightly sprayed the entire kettle.



One daisy wheel is missing, and one is badly bent.
The handle is rough, but it cooks just fine.

It looks pretty good, but the pictures make it look even better than it really is
Thanks Jeff!
I haven't had a blazer in it yet.
I only see slight bubbling in the lid ding areas, and none where the paint is mostly original.
Very nice job on the "Yella Fella" Bob! It looks great with all the extra accessories too. Very nice and cool looking wheels.
Great work on EJ Shaun! She looks FABULOUS!!!

Bob, I have a nice handle for your Ol' YellaFella when you're up here in October
<span class="ev_code_RED">"Little Woody"</span>

Another TVWB member and friend GuyC picked up this red 18.5 for me the other night and lived to tell about it. That's another story though, a spooky one too! It was in great condition with the exception of a few chips when it was moved several times. The last owners claim it was only used once and that is a fact! The bottom vents were as shiny as the day it was made. The top vent was so tight you could tell it was never opened. I just cleaned it inside and out with soap and water. I also added my signature wheels and chrome caps as well as my custom side table.

It was a lot of fun working on this one. A special thanks to Brian O'Neal for encouraging me to finish this project and share it.

Keep restoring and posting those customs & classics everyone!
that looks awesome. i love giving life back to the down trodden though that one isn't. there is just so much more pride or whatever in doing those than buying a new one.
Thanks George! I can always count on you. I agree, there is satisfaction in restoring a rare Weber.
Looks that a new handle
or the one that came on it? I glad I could be of some use around here. Did you replace the wheels because they were shot or just for the look? Tell me aboutt he table, it looks interesting. Oh and we definitely need to see more grills if this is the knid of stuff sitting around in your yard. I would make a comment about AJ but that might start us off topic. I don't want the topic police after me again

Thanks Brian! That's the handle that came with it. it's nearly new, but it's been stored for years. I replaced the wheels with some old metal Weber originals. The plastic Weber ones that came off of it are in perfect condition like the rest, but not very attractive. I do have a few other projects slowly in the works. I will keep you posted.

Watch out for the fuzz!
Is that the vent cozy from my blue paltinum?!
Looks very nice Shaun. The Weber badge is a nice touch too!
Hi Brian..
i'm keepin an eye on ya ! but for sure i would like more info on the wheels. not a fan of the white cap. maybe a black crutch tip might be nicer ?
Have you seen that on some of the new Webers, they have a black triangle and a black leg cap?
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