Crispy Pork belly



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Doing a little slab of crispy pork belly tonight for supper. Got it on Bug Z Super Smoke (160 basically) and gonna let it render out for awhile, when it hits maybe 140-160ish heat will be cranked out to 350 until internal of 205 and crispy outside. Turns out great for me. I actually gave up making bacon anymore. Just too much work (especially when I can run out to the west to meat processing and get some really nice dry cured smoked bacon.
So I just make the nice piece of belly. I guess I could buy a whole one, trim and clean it then portion it. Meh. I can buy it all done for me at Costco :D
Would like to see a picture of the finished belly. I have a quartered whole belly in the freezer and I’m wanting to do something similar.
Sorry evidence was "consumed" :D Anyway works great and I am sure it will work on that technique on any pellet grill or smoker. I was hesitant to do it at first because I'd tried it on my gas grills. And even though I used the same heating and cooking temps. Something about gas just "hits different" than burning wood. IDK what it is but those pellet cookers do things there was no way I could accomplish the same feats on gas.
Sorry evidence was "consumed" :D Anyway works great and I am sure it will work on that technique on any pellet grill or smoker. I was hesitant to do it at first because I'd tried it on my gas grills. And even though I used the same heating and cooking temps. Something about gas just "hits different" than burning wood. IDK what it is but those pellet cookers do things there was no way I could accomplish the same feats on gas.
Pics or it never happened 😁
How long did it take?

This may be my next test
Actually doing this does not take all that long. IIRC maybe about 2 hours total? I had extra time yesterday so I started it L&S on Super Smoke which on my Z Grill is PID controlled rock solid 160. But then things started changing here. Weather began to look like it would take a bad turn (which it did and Holy $^&T did it ever) Major flood warnings, Fire Depts having to rescue people trapped in cars, hell even my sump pump turned on for like the first time in 4 or 5 years!.
So anyway as things began to look worse I booted the temp to 225, then when the meat seemed to "stall" I cranked it to 350, until done. Still turned out deelish. Crispy (no skin on BTW) as that is something I don't care to deal with. Honestly I think I could have taken it slightly higher internal temps. But things were looking And as typing this looks like it's starting all over.
The storm had multiple lighting hits nearby, power failures, and even blew out my battery backup I keep my large TV and all it's peripherals on!
So now add a new backup to my next Costco list LOL
And of course yet again severe storm warnings. We got over 7 inches last night, and it's now coming down again like a tall cow on a flat rock

