Craig's List?

3 Y/O performer used 6 times?
Looks new in pics for $150
OK price??

Two different things to look at really. Is it worth $150 in a general sense ? Yes, absolutely.

Should you pay $150 for it ? That kind of depends on the local market and how much you want to have one. In some places, Performers come up on CL quite frequently leading to lower prices overall. Or people will list them for sale having no idea of what they are actually worth. In other places, you rarely ever see one, leading to higher prices.

FWIW, if you are looking at the Green Performer listed in Madison, I picked up a 4 year old version that was identical for $50 just last month here in Louisville, KY.
As a general rule, I almost never offer the seller's asking price unless:
1- The asking price is already laughably low
2- Its a hard to find item on the used market (while still being priced reasonably)
In my mind a used product is typically worth about half of its new price (in excellent/good condition). You get no warranty in most cases and no means to return the product if you're not satisfied. All that said, $150 is probably 'reasonable' unless you're talking about the cheaper "silver" performer. Then I'd offer closer to $100. If the item has been listed for several days (or weeks), I'd offer $110-120 and see if they bite. You can always go up in a negotiation, but rarely can you go back down.
Good advice Ted! Here's a deal I wish was closer to me! Geez... And to the OP - there's a performer gold almost new for about $180 US in the same area. Maybe I should make a road trip and get both? :)

$50 for that Genesis is definitely a "laughably low price". I bet the broken "clicker" just needs a new battery and/or the battery compartment cleaned up. That was the case with the Genesis I just bought last week for $65 (same model).
Is that the dark green one? I almost bought it myself, I hope you got it. It is more than 3 years old but is in amazing condition as the owner used it only a few times and kept it covered. He still had all the original literature so I was willing to pay up to his asking price for it.

