Couple dumb questions.


Cory L.

TVWBB Member
What is the "money muscle" I have seen guys refer to? Does every large pork butt have the "money muscle"? Is it just a pork butt roast, about 3.5 lbs?

Also, I bought a butt (8.5 lbs) and a 3.5 lbs. pork butt roast. Assuming I put them on the same time, about how much sooner will the 3.5 lbs. roast get done? Do I take the roast to approximately 190 degrees as well? Or do I pull it sooner than that to slice? Thanks.
Good link guys. I remember the first time I heard the term "money muscle" when I was a newbie judging a BBQ contest. Threw me a curve ball too. Guess we all have to take a step back from time to time and remember new WSM cookers may have never heard our lingo and terminology. My fault Cory, no question here is a dumb question.

