Cool Down AFter Smoking!



New member
I just smoked three butts using the minon method on my 18 in (all three fit snug as a bug on the top grate. After a few years of trail and error I've got the cooking method down. It takes anywhere between eight and 15 hours depending on all the factors we all know in Miami Beach the time is usually closer to 10 hours due to heat and humidity.

What I normally do is rest the butt wrapped in foil and towels and then placed in a cooler for about two hours give or take and the results are always great.

Last evening, we had 4 guests cancel, which are the ones that usually eat the most and as a result, two of the three butts stayed wrapped up in the cooler overnight.

What I found this morning as I took them out and prepared them was a very pleasant surprise. The slow cool down over 12 hours took the meat to the next level. It took me 30 seconds to shred the meat with my hands after taking out the bone and the flavor and moistness was far and away the best ever.

Needless to say...breakfast was pulled pork and coffee!
If that works in Miami Beach it probably works in Central Florida. I'm not going to ask the food safety question but if it poisons you let me know.
It was still hot...hotter than I thought it would be.. If you're going to go by strict restaurant (as in serve the public) food rules, it's absolutely not going to fly, but after three days of chowing down it hasn't killed anyone and it tastes fantastic.
After smoking my butts I pull, wrap in foil and towels, and throw it in my oven, making sure everyone knows to keeps the oven off, for at least 3 hours. I usually aim for 4, and the meat is still near painful to pull after all that time. The good news is it almost pulls itself.

